To use the slash commands, start by typing "/" (no quotes) into the chat in discord, then click on the image of BeatBuddy in the pop up to see all of the commands!
If there is any confusion, send "/help" (no quotes) to the text channel and BeatBuddy will send a detailed list of his available commands!
Command Name | Action |
/clear | Clears the specified number of messages up to 14 days old |
/hello | Greets the user that sent the command |
/help | Sends helpful info about BeatBuddy |
/ping | Replies with 'pong!' |
/servercount | Shows the number of servers that BeatBuddy is currently in. |
Command Name | Action |
/leave | Leaves the voice channel and clears the queue. |
/move | Moves the song at the index requested to the next song in the queue |
/pause | Pauses the song |
/play | Plays the requested song or video in the voice channel if nothing is playing, otherwise adds the song or video to the queue |
/queue | Outputs the current track and the name and requester of the next 10 songs in the queue |
/queuelength | Outputs the length of the queue |
/remove | Removes the song at the specified index from the queue |
/repeat | Repeats the song currently playing |
/repeatall | Repeats the entirety of the current queue |
/shuffle | Shuffles the current queue (current song excluded) |
/skip | Skips to the next song in the queue |
/skipto | Skips to the song at the specified number in the queue |
/songinfo | Outputs the title, artist, length, and date published of the song playing (if obtainable) |
/unpause | Unpauses the song if paused prior |
BeatBuddy can play songs from YouTube, Spotify, and SoundCloud links, YouTube keyword searches, along with links for YouTube playlists, YouTube Mixes, Spotify playlists, and SoundCloud playlists.
Links from any audio provider besides YouTube, Spotify, or SoundCloud will not be added or played. If a YouTube Mix is requested, the mix will be added to the queue as a single video of the songs.
Thanks for the support, now enjoy your time with BeatBuddy!
Developer: Robert Wood, L.robertwood@gmail.com, rwood7@ycp.edu.
Copyright © 2023, Robert Wood. All Rights Reserved.